Challenge background image 21 Days with PianoRoll
21 Days Practice Tournament

Learn and earn! Join the first ever piano practice competition, and win $1,000 by recording your progress.

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32 users joined


Contest “21 Days with PianoRoll” Motiviation: The contest aims to help participants develop the habit of regular piano practice by promoting diversity in the performance of pieces. To succeed, participants must post daily for 21 consecutive days on our platform. How to Post: Record everything you play and create PianoRoll posts! Every note counts - you can score points practising scales, reading new material, playing through your repertoire or drifting into endless improvisations. Recordings you post can contain anything you would play to improve! Right now the only requirement is to record in MIDI format (sorry if you can’t!). You can record yourself with any MIDI recording software, or record your live session using the MIDI recording feature available on the platform. Evaluation Criteria: The evaluation will be based on the regularity of posts, creativity, difficulty level of the piece, quality of performance, and its artistic value. Note that our advanced algorithm can detect plagiarism, so all submitted recordings must be original. Prizes: 1000$ I Category and 200$ II Category Announcement of Results: The contest results will be announced on the 26th of November, 2024 at 6PM UTC on our platform and through our communication channels. Community: You can connect with the organizers and other contestants on our Discord server.


1000$ I Category 200$ II Category


Category I - Building a Habit in 21 Days
  1. Registration and Participation:
    To join the contest, create an account on the platform and click the "Join Challenge" button.
  2. PianoRoll Posts:
    Participants are required to post MIDI recordings for 21 consecutive days. Recordings must be made continuously. Any break in posting will result in point deductions and reduced chances of winning.
  3. Contest Duration:
    The contest runs from August 24, 2024, at 00:00:00 (UTC) to November 22, 2024, at 23:59:59 (UTC).
  4. No Plagiarism:
    The organizer reserves the right to disqualify participants who use pieces that are not their own or are sourced from other places.
  5. One User - One Account:
    Each user is entitled to only one account on the platform.
  6. Sharing your data with the scientific community:
    There’s a growing interest in mathematical modelling of performance nuances in piano music. Your data will be shared as an open source asset for experimentation. There’s no transfer of copyrights to any of your music.
  7. Evaluation Criteria:
    Pieces will be evaluated based on performance level, difficulty, originality, number of hours played through preliminary classification by an algorithm, and then by a jury consisting of two pianists and an artistic director. The jury's decision is final.
  8. Prizes:
    The prize list includes a cash reward of $1000. The method of awarding the prize will be determined between the winner and the organizer. To claim the prize, participants must be of legal age or provide written parental consent if underage.
  9. Announcement of Results:
    The contest results will be announced on the 26th of November, 2024 at 6PM UTC on the website, via email to participants and through our communication channels.
  10. Privacy Policy:
    Participants' personal data will be protected in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  11. Final Provisions:
    The organizer reserves the right to change the rules. The current version of the rules will be available on the website.
Category II - Instagram Audience Award
  1. Participation:
    Category II is linked to Category I. To participate in the Instagram contest, you must also register for the "21 Days Practice Tournament," and post a selected piece from your recording sessions on the platform with a #pianoroll hashtag!
  2. Posting on Instagram:
    You must record a video and post it on your public Instagram account. The post must tag the official account and include “#pianoroll” int the post description.
  3. Public Account Status:
    The account must be public. A private account status will prevent participation in the contest.
  4. Disqualification:
    The organizers reserve the right to disqualify users who act against the company's image, behave inappropriately, or if the posted video is not their own.
  5. Evaluation Criteria:
    Evaluation will be based on the number of likes the piece receives on Instagram.
  6. Announcement of Results:
    The contest results will be announced on on the 26th of November, 2024 at 6PM UTC on the website, via email to participants and through our communication channels.
  7. Prizes:
    The prize list includes a cash award of $200. The method of awarding the prize will be determined between the winner and the organizer. To claim the prize, participants must be of legal age or provide written parental consent if underage.
  8. Submission Deadline:
    To participate in the contest, you must post the video on your Instagram and get maximum number of likes by November 24, 2024, at 23:59:59 (UTC).
  9. Privacy Policy:
    Participants' personal data will be protected in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  10. Final Provisions:
    The organizer reserves the right to change the rules. The current version of the rules will be available on the website.
If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, please contact us at this email address: [email protected].


  • The contest runs from August 24, 2024, at 00:00:00 (UTC) to November 24, 2024, at 23:59:59 (UTC).
  • The repertoire is unlimited. Participants can play any arrangements, pieces, warm-ups, technical exercises, or improvisations.
  • The only limit is the number of keys.
  • Each recorded practice session must be posted on the platform every day for 21 days.
  • Participants can use any performance techniques and musical styles. Diversity is encouraged.
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Dinh-Ho Chau
Time played today: 01:25:31hrs
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Kaylie Pianist 🎹🎶
Time played today: 09:19min
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21 Days Practice Tournament
32 users joined